

Submissions should be sent electronically through the ScholarOne system

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Author Guidelines

See also: Instructions to Authors.


Title Page: This must include the manuscript's full title (it must be brief providing exact information of the contents), authors’ full names and their institutional affiliations (University, College, Department) through numbers. The corresponding author must be identified with an asterisk, providing information such as professional address, telephone, e-mail and ORCID number.

Abstract: On a separate page, provide a summary of not more than 200 words. It must concisely and specifically describe the objectives of the study, techniques used, the essential results and what the authors concluded from the results.

Uniterms: These should be strictly related to the contents and limited to 6 (six).

INTRODUCTION: This should state briefly and clearly the objectives of the investigation with reference to previous works. Extensive review of the literature should be avoided and substituted for references of recent publications where such reviews may be found.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: These should be described in sufficient detail that the work can be reproduced. Procedures and techniques readily available in the literature require only a citation of the original source, except when they are substantially modified. Reports of experimental studies on humans and animals must certify that the research received prior approval by the appropriate institutional review body (Committee of Bioethics).

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Results must be presented concisely and in logical order. When possible, use figures or tables to present data rather than text. The discussion should interpret the results and assess their significance in relation to previous work in the field. Speculation not warranted by actual data should be avoided. Presenting those items separately is optional.

CONCLUSIONS: These must be drawn from the text and restricted to the limits of the data obtained.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: These should be typed in a special paragraph under separate heading preceding the section of References. They should be kept to a minimum consistent with the requirements of courtesy and disclosure.

REFERENCES: They should be arranged in alphabetical order, with no numeration or markings. All authors must be mentioned by surname and initials, with commas separating each author. If a work has more than six authors, use the expression "et al.". The Journal's titles must be abbreviated. All references must follow the formatting example below:

Abe T, Fukushima N, Brune K, Boehm C, Sato N, Matsubayashi H, et al. Genome‐Wide allelotypes of familial pancreatic adenocarcinomas and familial and sporadic intraductal papillary muninous neoplasms. Clin Cancer Res. 2007;13(20):6019‐25.

CITATIONS: They should be formatted as (Author, date). For more than three authors, only the first one has to be cited followed by the expression "et al". For more than one citation with the same authors and year of publication they must be differentiated by small letters next to the year (such as "2013a" and "2013b").

TOPICS: They should be formatted without numeration or markings. The degree of subordination should be as follows: 1st subordination - MATERIAL AND METHODS (in capital letters and bold); 2nd subordination - Material (in low and bold box); 3rd subordination - Cell culture (lowercase italics).


FIGURES: They should be removed from the manuscript file and uploaded separately. Each figure should be sent in .JPEG or .TIFF format, with a resolution of at least 300 DPI.

SUBMISSION LETTER: It is necessary to upload a letter signed by all authors with copyrights transfer to BJPS. The template can be downloaded here

SIMILARITY REPORT: All manuscripts must go through a similarity check before being submitted. The BJPS does not accept manuscripts with an overall similarity percentage above 25%. The report can be obtained through on-line platforms and must be submitted alongside the other files. 

We recommend authors to avoid similarity in the Results and Discussion section. If the manuscript was previously published as a preprint, this information should be noted in the Submission Letter. If there is any confusion regarding this process, each case can be discussed individually.

Submission Preparation Checklist

Make sure to submit:

-The manuscript file, following our guidelines;

-The Submission Letter signed by all authors;

-Each figure separately;

-The Similarity Report.