Study on the development of nanotechnology in advanced countries and in Brazil
Nanotechnology^i1^sdevelopm, Nanobiotechnology, NanopharmaceuticalAbstract
The study shows how nanotechnology evolves in developed countries and Brazil, raising aspects of private and governmental initiatives. The investigation was based in scientific literature, electronic articles and conference reports. Several sources of literature were used, including electronic databases and reference lists. By this study, it was observed that, although nanotechnology is in initial stage of development all over the world, the developed countries have had growing public and private investments in the area each year. In those countries, there is a concern toward both, the formation of specialists in nanotechnology and the transference of technology developed in universities and research institutes to industry. In Brazil, the study showed that despite the growing concern of investigators, national research centers and financial centers toward the development of the nanotechnology, there is still a need for more investment and formation of area specialists.Downloads
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How to Cite
Study on the development of nanotechnology in advanced countries and in Brazil . (2009). Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 45(2), 189-200.