Interchangeability among carbamazepine formulations
the impact over epilepsy patients
Antiepilepticdrugs, Carbamazepine, Epilepsy, Genericmedications, InterchangeabilityAbstract
The treatment of epilepsy is complex and a matter of concern is the interchangeability among different formulations available for antiepileptic drugs. To evaluate the effects of interchangeability among carbamazepine formulations on patients with epilepsy. This is a prospective cohort study that included adult outpatients diagnosed with epilepsy and under pharmacological treatment with carbamazepine. Before switching the brand/manufacturer, the “Interchangeable Pharmaceutical Product in the Treatment of Epilepsies” questionnaire was applied. The questionnaires “Adverse Events Profile” and Quality of Life in Epilepsy-31, so as the plasma carbamazepine concentrations, were evaluated before and after the brand/ manufacturer switch. Physical-chemical tests aiming to assess tablets quality were performed in accordance with the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia 5th edition. The study population was composed by 14 patients (mean age: 44.6 years), with 10 of females. From those interviewed, 10 had no knowledge about the three antiepileptic drugs formulations available. The frequency of adverse event “problems with skin” incresead (p=0.023) and “upset stomach” decreased (p=0.041) after the changeover. The adverse events profile was associated with only two quality of life domains: “energy/fatigue” (p=0.048) and “total score” (p=0.018). Divergent results between generic and reference formulations were observed in purity-water test (reference: 1.96%, generic: 4.84%) and dissolution test, in which the generic formulation presented 66.27 to 85.77% of carbamazepine dissolved after the third level.
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