Immunochromatography screening devices for cannabinoids in oral fluid sample
Screening devices, Drug test, Traffic accidents, Oral fluid, Cannabinoids, THCAbstract
Cannabis sativa L. is one of the most consumed drugs in the world and recent studies have associated its use with an increase in the number of traffic accidents in different countries. In many countries, like Brazil, simple and reliable methodologies are still needed for the detection of drugs on site, mainly cannabinoids, considering its prevalence of use and oral fluid (OF) has been proved as an appropriate biological matrix for this purpose. Considering that, this work aims to review previous studies on immunochromatographic devices for on-site detection of cannabinoids in OF, discussing their sensitivity, specificity, cut-offs values and confirmatory methods. This data shows the importance of choosing a screening device and it reinforces the need for its implementation in Brazil. The research was conducted on 5 databases and all original articles, published in the last 10 years, were selected. A total of 32 articles were found, providing data for 17 screening devices of distinct brands. Only 2 screening devices showed satisfactory sensitivity and specificity in the evaluated studies (≥80% and ≥90% respectively). However, it should be considered that the screening devices still have some limitations, such as a higher cut-off than those recommended by international guidelines (cut-off > 2 ng/mL), therefore demonstrating the need for more studies in the area and the importance of confirmatory analysis usually fulfilled by LC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS or GC-MS. Thus, the screening analyzes should not be evaluated by itself, but in association with confirmatory results and observational traits (behavioral changes), for a better understanding of the traffic scenario.
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