Development, physicochemical evaluation, and in vivo permeation studies of topical formulations containing 0.1% tacrolimus
Semi-solid pharmaceutical forms, Analytical methodology, Occlusivity test, In vivo permeation, TacrolimusAbstract
The objective of this paper was to develop and evaluate two semi-solid pharmaceutical forms containing 0.1% tacrolimus: cream (CRT01) and gel (GLT01). For the evaluation of physicochemical stability, at times 0, 30, 60 and 90 days, at 23°C and at 40°C, High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled with a Diode Array Detector (HPLC-DAD) was employed. This method was developed and validated for tacrolimus quantification. The occlusivity test and skin permeation assay were also performed, using an animal model (Wistar rats), and the CRT01 and GLT01 were compared to the 0.1% tacrolimus ointment (PFU01) obtained from the University Pharmacy, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. CRT01 and GLT01 presented a homogeneous aspect and consistency adequate for topical products, along with sensory characteristics above PFU01. They also presented adequate physicochemical stability for 90 days and a lower occlusive effect than PFU01 (p<0.05). CRT01 showed greater affinity for the skin when compared to PFU01 and GLT01, with low systemic absorption. The CRT01 semi-solid formulation was considered the most adequate one to treat patients with atopic dermatitis or other dermatologic inflammatory diseases, promoting rational use of tacrolimus.
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