Evaluating the impact of a course in Solutionary Humane Education for teachers





Systemic thinking, Critical formation, Sustainability, Social justice, Collective Veterinary Medicine


The contemporary global context is characterized by the presence of multifaceted challenges, including climate change, armed conflicts, socio-economic disparities, food shortages and animal cruelty. Humane Education is the pillar for changing people's behavior and attitudes towards the environment, animals and society in general, promoting understanding of the challenges faced and their origins, as well as transforming them in a positive way. The aim was to train teachers in transformative humanitarian education in order to prepare them to analyze global problems in a critical, systemic, strategic and creative way. In addition, it seeks to motivate them to search for solutions that maximize well-being and minimize harm in everyday life, as well as enabling them to use tools acquired in a school environment to encourage active citizenship among their students. The Solving Humanitarian Education course inspired by the experience of the Institute for Humane Education took place in online format on the UFPR Virtual platform from 07/03/2022 to 08/05/2022 for teachers from all over the country. The course was made up of issues related to human rights, social justice, sustainability, animal protection and other interconnected themes in a broad and solution oriented way divided into 9 modules.Participants' knowledge was assessed using a pre- and post-course questionnaires in a qualitative and quantitative way and a focus group. The course received 221 pre registrations and 50 of them completed the Initial Questionnaire and were enrolled. Of the 50 teachers registered in the course, 10 completed the entire program. An increase of empathy and compassion towards non-human beings was observed, and reflected in a change in their perceptions of the sentience of various animal species. There was a rising awareness on behalf of the professionals of seeking pragmatic solutions to challenges faced by their communities.


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How to Cite

Costa ME da, Dias EBVS, Stacheski GV, Brugnerotto M, Garcia R de CM. Evaluating the impact of a course in Solutionary Humane Education for teachers. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 6 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];61:e218048. Available from: https://revistas.usp.br/bjvras/article/view/218048