The The bug-jargal affair: translation,transposition and hypertextuality in brazilian romanticis


  • Mateus Roman Pamboukian Universidade de São Paulo



Translation, Romanticism, Intertextuality, French Literature, Brazilian Literature


This paper aims at discussing textual derivatives of Victor Hugo's novel Bug-Jargal, especially the partial translations in verse made by Gonçalves Dias and Castro Alves. We also discuss the influence of the novel on other poems of both authors, notably “Canção do exílio” (Gonçalves Dias) and “Cachoeira de Paulo Afonso” (Castro Alves). Finally, we discuss the role of translated literature in the elaboration of the poetic repertoire of Brazilian literature in its formative years. For this purpose, we make use of theoretical contributions from Gérard Genette, Haroldo de Campos and Itamar Even-Zohar.



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Author Biography

  • Mateus Roman Pamboukian, Universidade de São Paulo

    Mestrando em Estudos Tradutológicos, Literários e Linguísticos em Francês pela Universidade de São Paulo


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How to Cite

Pamboukian, M. R. (2019). The The bug-jargal affair: translation,transposition and hypertextuality in brazilian romanticis. Revista Criação & Crítica, 1(24), 131-145.