Student protagonism in reading and writing: exploring the Brazilian Common National Curricular Base with Wattpad


  • Ednei da Anunciação Alves Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB



Literatura, Wattpad, Base Nacional Comum Curricular, Escola, Escrita, Leitura


This article discusses, from the Brazilian National Common Curricular Base (2018), the possibility of encouraging communities of knowledge and production of literary texts in the school context using technology. Wattpad is pointed out as a tool capable of uniting readers and writers-discents (of their own works or stories imagined and produced by fans) in a digital support with a structure that provides a particular process of interaction, focused on those who read. The student protagonism, mediated by the teacher, is pointed out as a fundamental element for establishing a link between the student and the contemporary school productions. In addition to the Brazilian National Common Curricular Base (2018), it was sought to reflect from the contributions of Jenkins (2015) to highlight the dynamics of communities of knowledge, reading, writing, and sharing in the era of convergence; Compagnon (2012) and Chartier (2002) to discuss the properties of the reader and the transfiguration with the advent of the Internet; Zilberman (2008) in the discussion between reception and reading; Soares (2020) to situate the multiple purposes of Wattpad.


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Dossiê n. 31: Literatura, educação literária e formação do leitor

How to Cite

Alves, E. da A. (2023). Student protagonism in reading and writing: exploring the Brazilian Common National Curricular Base with Wattpad. Revista Crioula, 31, 53-73.