Economic growth and pressure on water resources
water economics, water input, input-output matrixAbstract
This paper aimed, through an inter-regional input-output matrix (estimated for 2004) in
an ecological-economic model, simulate three scenarios of future demand (for 2020) for
the use of water resources in river basins Piracicaba-Capivari-Jundiaí (PCJ), Paraiba do Sul
(PBS), Alto Tiete (AT) and Sorocaba and Mid Tietê (SMT). These simulations are based on the
hypothetical expectations of changes in the final demand of goods in the economy, resulting
in a comparison between estimates results of demand for water with the hypothetical
water availability. The growing shortage of water resources motivates studies on analysis
of the demand, especially with a view to proposing sparing strategies. The simulation results showed water amounts that depict important water shortage in AT and SMT basins,
which is a problem that has been around for a few decades and can become even worse. In
addition, water shortage was identified in the PCJ basin mainly due to water transpositions
to other river basins, especially AT covering the entire metropolitan region of São Paulo.
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