Das análises de Bain à teoria dos mercados contestáveis: uma inversão metodológica na construção de um modelo-síntese


  • Ana Maria Fontenele Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC




Scientific Research Program, evolution, barriers to entry, workable competition, contestable markets


This paper is concerned with the evolution of the theoretical field of the Industrial Organization  viewed as a Scientific Research Program. We have worked specially with the category barriers to entry, analysed in two distinct moments: for Bain and for the Constestable Markets Theory (CMT). This evolution is analysed through the internal criticism. In Bain the study of barriers to entry  is made using the hipothetical-deductive method with the purpose to formalize the causal links between performance and structural variables. In this context, the public policies intervention is the main tool to soften such barriers, so reaching a workable competition. CMT analyses barriers to entry through  formalized relations - in an attempt to come back to the Microeconomics method - seeking to strengthen the role of potential competition. This analysis could turn into competitive firms those established in concentrated market structures so pulling out the need of intervention.


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How to Cite

Fontenele, A. M. (1996). Das análises de Bain à teoria dos mercados contestáveis: uma inversão metodológica na construção de um modelo-síntese. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 26(3), 381-409. https://doi.org/10.11606/1980-53572633amf