Eficiência produtiva e divisão do trabalho: Smith, Marx e Stephen Marglin


  • Benedito Rodrigues de Moraes Neto Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho


productive efficiency, labour division, manufacture, machinery, Taylorism-Fordism


This study aims to emphasise the link defended by Adam Smith between labour division and productive efficiency, followed by an explanation of the origins of Stephen Marglin analysis about this connection. To understand the theoretical impact of Stephen Marglin proposition, is adopted here Marx´s analysis on manufacture conceptual  nature. In the present  study is brought to discussion if Stephen Marglin  critical work can be applied to Marx´s, and therefore we tried to verify if  Marglin´s assertions are pertinent and relevant. We looked for Marx´s proposition on labour division on the machinery introduction to verify, afterwards, if Stephen Marglin´s analysis – aiming to explain the whole capitalist labour process history – is still pertinent. Finally, from the theoretical nature of the Taylorism-Fordism, we tried to situate the historical emergency of Marglin proposition in the beginning of the 70s of the XXth Century and its impact.


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How to Cite

Moraes Neto, B. R. de. (2002). Eficiência produtiva e divisão do trabalho: Smith, Marx e Stephen Marglin. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 32(2), 260-296. https://revistas.usp.br/ee/article/view/117803