Productive and technological discontinuities on the industrial structure of the Brazilian economy


  • Rosembergue Valverde Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana



Industrial structure, Economic growth, Technological innovations


The aim of this article is to evaluate the Brazilian economy’s capacity to sustain long-term growth
rates based on intersectoral technological complementarity as a vector of technology absorption
and diffusion through its industrial structure. To this end, it refers to neo-Schumpeterian
theories that describe the process of technology absorption and diffusion and the construction
of a multisector growth model inspired by Sraffa and Von Neumann’s Neo-Ricardian theories.
The methodological procedures enabled us to identify production discontinuities and bottlenecks
which could jeopardize the Brazilian economy’s long-term growth and its technology
absorption and diffusion processes. In conclusion, we highlight the existence of production
bottlenecks in key economic sectors, fundamental to the reproduction of the Brazilian economy’s
production structure.


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How to Cite

Valverde, R. (2017). Productive and technological discontinuities on the industrial structure of the Brazilian economy. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 47(4), 713-740.