The participation of mother to the labor market and the gender diferential in the years of schooling from adolescents




Maternal Employment, Educational Differential between Sexes


Currently, the number of children raised by working mothers is significantly higher than in
previous generations. This demographic change involves shifts regarding to duration and type
of childcare, which may affect children’s lives. Accordingly, the objective of this research is to
contribute to the debate about the effects regarding mother’s labor force participation and
the schooling of their children, measured by hours worked. The estimates are also performed
using instrumental variables with identification strategy in order to isolate the causal effect
between the decision by the mother’s labor force and the schooling of their children, in which
local labor market conditions are used as instruments. Among the results, it is noteworthy
that the fact that the mother’s worked hours decreases the children’s education. Regarding
the educational gender gap, mother’s work is not responsible for introducing educational
differentials between the sexes.


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How to Cite

Almeida, A. C., Lima, J. E. de, & Costa, L. V. (2018). The participation of mother to the labor market and the gender diferential in the years of schooling from adolescents. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 48(4), 597-622.