Escolaridade formal e a intensidade do capital humano no comércio exterior americano - uma abordagem de custo


  • Pt Pt



Diversos autores tentaram discutir o problema do capital humano no comércio exterior americano: alguns em termos muito amplos, como os índices ocupacionais de Leontief1; outros com mais detalhes, como os índices de qualificação de Keesing2 e os coeficientes das taxas de retorno capitalizadas de Kenen-Yudin3. Em adição a estas contribuições, o presente estudo utiliza uma aproximação mais desagregadae, a fim de dar mais consistência com a literatura existente
sobre a intensidade do capital convencional no comércio exterior, concebe o estoque de capital humano em termos dos custos, em dólares, dos fluxos de investimentos acumulados que o criaram, ao invés dos valores capitalizados das suas taxas de retorno.


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G. Becker, Human Capital, New York: Columbia University Press, para o Escritório Nacional de Pesquisas Econômicas, (NBER ), 1964 “Underinvestment in College Education” American Economic Review , Papers and Proceedings, maio I960, SO, 346-54.

R . Blitz, “The Nation’s Educational Outlay” Economics of Higher Education, Washington, D . C .: Government Printing Office, 1962.

E . Dennison e A . Slater, “Incomes in Selected Professions” Parte 4, “ Medical Service”, Survey of Current Business, out. 1943, 23, 16-20:

A . Fareed, “ Formal Schooling and the Human Capital Intensity of American Foreign Tm de — a Cost Approach” dissertação para doutoramento ainda não publicada, Vanderbilt University, 1970.

P Kenen e E. Yudin, Skills, Human Capital, and V. S. Foreign Trade, New York, Columbia University International Economics Workshop, 1965.

D . Keesing, “ Labor Skills and International Trade: Evaluating Many Trade Flows with a Single Device” Review of Economics and Statistics, Agosto 196S, 47, 287-94.

W. Leontief, “Domestic Production and Foreign Trade: The American Capital Position Re-examined” . Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, setembro 1953, 97, 332-49.

W. Leontief, “Factor Proportions and the Structure of American Trade — Further Theoretical and Empirical Analysis” Review of Economics and Statistics, nov. 1956, 38, 386-407.

J . Mincer, “ O n-the-job Training — Costs, Returns and Some Implications” Journal of Political Econom y, out. 1962, 70, 50-79.

D. Netzer, Economics of P roperty Tax, Washington, D . C .: The Brookings Institution, 1966.

B. Ohlin, Interregional and International Trade, Cambridge, M ass.: Harvard University Press, 1933.

T. Schultz, “ Capital Formation by Education” , Journal of Political Economy, dez. 1960, 68, 571-83.

T. Scitovsky, “An International Comparison of the Trend of Professional Earnings”, American Economic R eview , Março 1966, 56, 25-42.

S. Valavanis-Vail, “ Leontief’s Scarce Factor Paradox”, Journal of Political Economy, Dez. 1954, 62, 523-28.

J . Vanek, “ The Natural Resource Content of Foreign Trade, 1870-1955, and the Relative Abundance of Natural Resources in the United States”, Review of Economics and Statistics, maio 1959, 41, 146-53.

R. Walters, “Statistics of Attendance in American Universities and Colleges”, School and Society, 1928-60.

W Weinfeld, “Income of Physicians, 1929-49” Survey of Current Business, Julho 1951, 31, 9-24.

American Medical Association, Journal of the American M edical Association, Aug. 1939, 113, 832-60.

Bureau of the Census, Sixteenth Census of the U nited States: 1940 Population,

The Labor Force (,Sample S tatistics), Occupational Characteristics•

Bureau of the Census, Sixteenth Census of the U nited Stales: 1940, Population, The Labor Force (Sample Statistics), Employment and Personal Characteristics•

Bureau of the Census, Sixteenth Census of the U nited States: 1940, Population, Vol. I ll, The Labor Force.

Bureau of the Census, Population, Education, Educational A ttaim ent by Economic Characteristics and M arital Status, Based upon Tabulations from the Sixteenth Census of the United States: 1940•

Bureau of the Census, United States Census of Population: 1950, Occupational Characteristics,Special R eport P-E n° IB •

Bureau of the Census, United States Census of Population: 1950, Education, Special Report P-E n° SB.

Bureau of the Census, United States Census of Population: 1950, Employment and Personal Characteristics, Special Report P-E n° 1A .

Bureau of the Census, United States Census of Population: 1950, Occupation by Industry, Special Report P-E , n° 1C .

Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Time to 1957 College Placement Council, Salary Survey, June 1969. Department of Health, Education and Welfaire, Biennial Survey of E ducation P. Monroe, ed ., Cyclopedia of Education, New York, 1919.






How to Cite

Pt, P. (1972). Escolaridade formal e a intensidade do capital humano no comércio exterior americano - uma abordagem de custo. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 2(5), 111-127.