Partisan motivation of voluntary transfers in Brazil: the role of the Legislature




Voluntary intergovernmental transfers, Intergovernmental grants, Bendavid-Val’s locational coefficient, Party identification, Legislative partisan transfers


This paper presents empirical evidence that the distribution of federal voluntary transfers is biased in favor of municipalities in which the mayor's party has higher identification with the coalition of parties in the Legislature that has strong representation in the municipality. Using vote descriptive statistics this research measures party identification between the federal Legislature and the municipal Executive branch based on Bendavid-Val's locational quotients. The paper’s main contribution is to go beyond the mayor-president relationship, and to shed light on the important role the federal Legislature plays in the distribution of subnational voluntary transfers. 


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Author Biographies

  • Fernanda L. Marciniuk, Universidade de Brasília

    Pós-doutoranda – Universidade de Brasília – Departamento de Economia – Campus Darcy Ribeiro.

  • Mauricio Soares Bugarin, Universidade de Brasilia

    Professor – Universidade de Brasília – Departamento de Economia – Campus Darcy Ribeiro.

  • Débora Costa Ferreira, Universidade de Brasília

    Doutoranda – Universidade de Brasília – Departamento de Economia – Campus Darcy Ribeiro.


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How to Cite

Marciniuk, F. L., Bugarin, M. S., & Ferreira, D. C. (2020). Partisan motivation of voluntary transfers in Brazil: the role of the Legislature. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 50(2), 261-291.