A recuperação democrática: dilemas políticos e institucionais


  • Pt Pt




The paper analyzes the political and institutional dilemmas to be faced by Brazilian society in the course of a selective and socially oriented recovery of economic growth. It begins with an overview of the main social and economic changes that took place in the last two decades of rapid growth. It also discusses the major features of the process of political transition, to point out the obstacles to the consolidation of a broad and stable governing coalition. Finally, it stresses that a democratic recovery requires an unambiguous agenda of social, political and economic measures to set the direction of the new pattern of development, as well as deep institutional changes and a new economic and social policy.


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How to Cite

Pt, P. (1985). A recuperação democrática: dilemas políticos e institucionais. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 15(3), 443-462. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-53571536sha