Enigmas das formas e formas do enigma: a questão da medida do valor em Keynes e Joan Robinson


  • Português Português




The present paper seeks to discuss the issue of the measure of value in Keynes General Theory and in Joan Robinson essay The Production and the Theory of Capital. The investigation of the Robinsonian notion of "real capital" as and the Keynesian notion of "value in wage units" is undertaken with this purpose. This aims at evidenceing how, by explicitly ignoring the contradictions of the social reality, these authors fall in logical contradictions in their search for the explanation of the apparent functioning of
capitalism — contradictions which seem to them as enigmas. This paper finally shows how in Marx's maximum work The Capital, not only can the explanation of these enigmas be found, but also the reasons why they appear as such.


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How to Cite

Português, P. (1986). Enigmas das formas e formas do enigma: a questão da medida do valor em Keynes e Joan Robinson. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 16(1), 5-23. https://doi.org/10.11606/1980-53571611efsp