A lógica da dispersão da indústria no estado de São Paulo


  • Pt Pt




The paper deals with the spatial dispersion of industry in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. It is concluded that the industrial dynamism of areas distant more than 50 km from Sao Paulo City shows a marked dependency from decisions taken within the Metropolitan Area. Thus, the relatively faster growth of peripheral areas of the state should not be
understood as a sign of the existence of a "Polarization Reversal" process. Information about the spatial extent of the use of external services (banking, leasing, marketing, consulting etc.) by firms located all over the state was analysed. It was concluded that firms: located more than 50 km away from Sao Paulo City, multinational companies, of large size and located in small cities, tend to use external services in the Capital City proportionally more than firms with other characteristics.


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How to Cite

Pt, P. (1986). A lógica da dispersão da indústria no estado de São Paulo. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 16(Especial), 45-67. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-535716n3cra