O custo da política de preços mínimos


  • Pt Pt




This paper applies a method to value and provide estimates of the ex ante cost of the agricultural support price system to the government. The methodology is based on the argument that support prices represent a special type of "put option" conferred to farmers, by which each unit of output may be sold to the government at the support price
when it exceds the market price. From the farmer's point of view, the put option is given at no cost, however, its social cost may be computed. They represent transfers from the government to the agricultural sector through implicit prices subsidies.


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Não definida

How to Cite

Pt, P. (1987). O custo da política de preços mínimos. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 17(1), 5-29. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-53571711ard