Vida familiar dos escravos em São Paulo no século dezoito: o caso de Santana de Parnaíba


  • Pt Pt



In this paper, two models of slave survival strategies are studied. To Genovese, the slaves were parts of the patriarchal family of their Lords, depending on their will; to Gutman, the slave family was a fundamental Institution and the relationship among slaves were important for their survival. The slave's demographic analysis in Santana, de Parnaiba, between 1720/1820, indicates that the two models are not mutually exclusive. On the other hand, the slave family can also be seen, as pointed out by Higman, within the economic structure, since the instability of the slave family life was related to the farms economics changes


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How to Cite

Pt, P. (1987). Vida familiar dos escravos em São Paulo no século dezoito: o caso de Santana de Parnaíba. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 17(2), 229-243.