Estrutura das famílias e dos domicílios no Brasil: mudanças quantitativas e linhas de convergência


  • Pt Pt
  • Pt Pt
  • Pt Pt



In order to make a demographic study of the development and present situation of the Brazilian rural families, the structure of the Brazilian rural households is analysed, based on the average number of people per household and on the family structure, considering the average number of children per family and each member's position in the family. These data, found in the 1978-84 PNAD's (national survey by household sampling), are compared with those for the urban households of each of the seven Brazilian geographic regions and of the country as a whole, indicating also the family members' sex. The conclusion is that rural and urban households structures tend to uniformity and both have dropped in size.


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How to Cite

Pt, P., Pt, P., & Pt, P. (1987). Estrutura das famílias e dos domicílios no Brasil: mudanças quantitativas e linhas de convergência. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 17(3), 367-403.