A economia da pecuária na Amazônia oriental


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This study is an economic simulation of large scale livestock operations in the Amazon Basin which recieved subsidized credit lines and fiscal incentives of various types. Our study analyses the profitability of livestock operations under four production technologies, under varying input and product prices, and at different rates of land appreciation. Infrastructure development, and the commitment of the Brazilian government to integrate the region into the national economy produced a generalized boom in land prices which contributed to a speculative dynamic in Brazilian land markets that has continued for the last twenty years. This study shows that there are many conditions where investment in livestock [n the Amazon can be profitable, but most of these scenarios imply either overgrazing, subsidies, conditions of high cattle prices and low input prices, land appreciation or combinations of all of these. What is most salient in the simulation is that overgrazing is the most profitable production strategy under most pricing scenarios given the rapid decline of pasture productivity in Amazonia. These results have two important implications: first, livestock activities can expand and be profitable even without subsidies under certain product prices and/or through a strategy of continued clearing and overgrazing. Second, profitability of investment is increased across more input and product contexts with subsidies and/or land appreciation.


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How to Cite

Pt, P., Pt, P., & Pt, P. (1988). A economia da pecuária na Amazônia oriental. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 18(1), 93-111. https://doi.org/10.11606/1980-53571814srg