A sazonalidade do trabalho agrícola temporário no município de Bandeirantes - PR
This paper evaluates the variation of temporary agricultural labor in Bandeirantes - PR. Data utilized originated from research occurred in 1986 with farmers besides secondary data. It has been observed that cotton and suqrucane are responsible for 94% 'bdias-frias loial absorption being crop and weeding the main phases where this utilization happens. Particularly cotton requests high levels in March, period in which other kinds of workers also make the crop of this commodity. On the average, during the year 38% of 'boias-frias* population of Bandeirantes is without an agricultural labor, while during eight months more than 50% of this population can be used in the field. Finally, it is pointed out that cotton can act on as locus of this labor force for the town with obvious gains for sugarcane farmers. Recent proposal of creating rural villages has been analysed emphasizing the necessity of some grade of agricultural planning made by State.
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Copyright (c) 1988 Paulo Machado Martincowski

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