O programa nacional do álcool: realizações e reformulações


  • Pt Pt




Alcohol, Fuels, Energy substitution, Tax incentives, Energy programme


The Brazilian National Alcohol Programme - Proalcool - is now supplying half of the fuel consumed in passenger cars and 95% of these new cars being sold are alcohol models. The Proalcool experience can provide some important remarks on energy substitution programme in developing countries. As these economies are usually very regulated by the government, an energy programme can benefit from a set of incentives to perform successfully. However, once the energy scenario changes the government seems to neglect this reality. In the case of Proalcool, its insertion in the fuel market is now being considered not economically justifiable. The nature and implications of this process are explored and some adjustments for the programme are discussed.


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MINISTERIO DAS MINAS E ENERGIA. BEN. Balanço energético nacional. Brasilia, 1987.

SEROA DA MOTTA, R. The social viability of ethanol production in Brazil. Londres, Energy Economics, 9(3): 176-182, jul. 1987.

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How to Cite

Pt, P. (1989). O programa nacional do álcool: realizações e reformulações. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 19(1), 63-74. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-53571913rsm