A segmentação ocupacional do mercado de trabalho brasileiro em uma abordagem regional


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Regional employment, Employment structure, Occupational structure, Labor market, Labor force, Division of labor, Space, Socioeconomic development, Wage earners, Employment legal relations


This article analyses the employment and occupational structures In Brazil by aggregate regions. The occupational structure Is typified by fourteen occupational categories so as to allow detailed Intra and Inter-economic sectors comparisons and intra - and inter-region comparisons, according to the level of economic development, the technological level and the socleconomlc configuration. In this sense, the segmentation and heterogeneity of the Brazilian production structure are analysed: on the one hand, there are regions whose characteristics are typical of Industrial countries with high per capta Incomes; on the other hand, there are regions with marked technological differences and characteristics which are typical of poor countries.


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How to Cite

pt, P. (1989). A segmentação ocupacional do mercado de trabalho brasileiro em uma abordagem regional. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 19(Especial), 63-98. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-535719n5ak