A teoria dos mercados contestáveis e a teoria da organização industrial: um artigo-resenha


  • Pt Pt




Contestability, Multiproduct costs and technology, Scope economies, Scale economies, Sunk costs


Contestability Theory (CT) has been entering the academic literature very strongly since the book of Baumol, Panzar and Willig was published in 1982. Despite its increasing importance, Brazilian students of Economics have not ye| been introduced to this approach, certainly because we do not have suitable texts Portuguese. This paper provides the main ideas and basic concepts of the theory of contestable markets. As this theory evolved from the multiproduct co^t function concepts, we had to use part of the paper to set them up. The paper also presents a survey on the main criticism raised either by the Microeconomics theorists or by the Industrial Organization (IO) lovers. Baumol asserts that the Contestability Theory aspires to provide no less than an unifying theory for the analysis of industrial organization. So we present some discussion about the relationship between CT and IO.


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How to Cite

Pt, P. (1990). A teoria dos mercados contestáveis e a teoria da organização industrial: um artigo-resenha. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 20(1), 5-28. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-53572011emmqf