Duas visões do comportamento camponês


  • Ricardo Abramovay




Methodological individualism, Moral economy, Economic anthropology, Social conduct, Collective action, Crisis of paradigms, Hermeneutics


Rational choice theory or the sociology of peasant's ethic? By the end of the Vietnam War, several researchers tried to understand the social nature of the revolutionary movements in Southeast Asia. This paper is both a synthesis and an assessment of the scope and limits of methodological individualism and explanations based on collective determinations of conduct as polar models to understand the peasant's behaviour. The discussion involves not only the case of Southeast Asia or the peasant question, but also of the current paradigm crisis in the social sciences.


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How to Cite

Abramovay, R. (1990). Duas visões do comportamento camponês. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 20(2), 305-322. https://doi.org/10.11606/1980-53572026ra