Comportamento Individual: alternativas ao homem econômico


  • Eduardo Giannetti da Fonseca



Individual behavior, Rationality, Motivation, Hedonism, Selfishness, Opportunism, Self-deception, Akrasia, Economic man, Ethical man, Contractual man, Sub-rational man


What are the behavioural foundations of modem economic theory? This paper is an attempt to trace out and analyse the evolution of the 'economic man' construct in modem economics, and to review the main alternative explanatory hypotheses that have been framed to account for the behaviour of the individual economic agent: 'ethical man'; 'contractual man' and sub-rational man'.


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How to Cite

Fonseca, E. G. da. (1990). Comportamento Individual: alternativas ao homem econômico. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 20(Especial), 5-37.