Economia política e racionalidades


  • Carlos Pimenta



Rationality, Labor value, Utility value


To analyse rationality of agents in the economic process is to question the foundations of Political Economy. However, that problem has to be theorized from an external conceptual framework. On a preliminary investigation it is found the existence of deep and superficial types of rationality; and on a
further investigation one verifies that each of them, as well as the relations between them assume several forms. To the greater explanatory power of the first type corresponds a greater operationality of the second type when its use is specific and in normal situations. Crisis are the result of contradictions between the two types of rationality. The first is associated with the labor value theory based on labor and the second to utility value theory. Historical materialism is the unifying element of the hierarchic articulation between both and the construction of a new Political Economy, based on the concepts of possible conscience and real conscience.


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How to Cite

Pimenta, C. (1990). Economia política e racionalidades. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 20(Especial), 39-57.