Robbins e a Economia como ciência da ação utilitária


  • Eleutério F. S. Prado



Rationality, Economic action, Definition of Economics, Methodology of Economics, Neoclassical theory


Lionel Robbins became known mainly because he has propposed, in the 30's, that Economics should be understood as a sphere of utilitary action. Thus, he defines the science not by its object, the economic
system, nor by what the system produces, wealth, but by the intentional conduct of the economic agent, allocating scarce resources between alternative ends. Examining his arguments, that reveal themselves dogmatic or circular, we try to show that he fails in his purpose of founding neoclassical theory. We suggest, additionaly, that subjective cornmensuration is a fiction which logical origin is the hypostasis and subjectivation of the utility as a genus.


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How to Cite

Prado, E. F. S. (1990). Robbins e a Economia como ciência da ação utilitária. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 20(Especial), 59-74.