A propósito da racionalidade camponesa: universalidade de comportamentos ou graus de racionalidade?


  • Maria Cristina Barbot Campos e Matos




Decision, Maximization, Bounded rationality, Selective rationality, Constraint concern


While studying Peasant Ractionality, one comes across to problems which mostly relate to Instrumental Rationality. This article explores such problems, and analyses those (few) approaches to Instrumental Rationality that defy the Maximization thesis. Then, some clues for the understanding of Peassant Rationality are provided.


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How to Cite

Matos, M. C. B. C. e. (1990). A propósito da racionalidade camponesa: universalidade de comportamentos ou graus de racionalidade?. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 20(Especial), 135-149. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-535720n6mcbcm