Déficit ajustado da inflação: uma nota histórica


  • Valdir Ramalho




Real deficit, Adjusted deficit for inflation


The new concept of "public deficit adjusted for inflation emerged in the seventies; later on it was employed in several works cited below, and the original label of "real deficit" was replaced by the one now commonplace. The related thesis that the adjusted deficit is the appropriate indicator for fiscal policy arose in the late seventies.


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BARBER, Clarence. Inflation distortion and the balanced budget. Challenge, 22 (4): 44-47, sept./oct. 1979.

BARRO, Robert. Macroeconomics. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1984.

BLEJER, Mario & CHU, Ke-Young (eds.). Measurement offiscalimpact: methodological issues. Occasional Paper n® 59, Washington, DC, International Monetary Fund, jun. 1988.

BOSKIN, Michael. Federal government deficits: some myths and realities. American Economic Review, 72 (2): 296-313, may 1982.

BOSSONS, John & DUNCAN, D. The government deficit: too high or too low? Canadian Tax Journal, 37 0): 1"29, jan./feb. 1983.

BOSSONS, John & JUMP, G. The effects of de-indexation and alternative tax increases. Canadian Tax Journal, 29(5): 645-665, sept./oct. 1981.

BUITER, William. Measurement of the public sector deficit and its implications for policy evaluation and design. Staff Papers, 30 (2): 306-349, jun. 1983.

CONKLIN, David & SAYEED, Adil. Overview of the deficit debate, in: CONKLIN, D. & COURCHENE, T. (eds.), Deficits: how big and how bad? Toronto, Ontario, Economic Council, 1983.

CUKIERMAN, Alex & MORTENSEN, Jorgen. Monetary assets and inflation induced distortions of the national accounts conceptual issues and correction ofsectoral income flows in 5 E. E. C. countries. Economic Papers n® 15, Brussels,

Commission of the European Communities, jun. 1983.

EISNER, Robert. Which budget deficit? Some issues of measurement and their implications. American Economic Review, 74 (2): 138-143, may 1984.

EISNER, Robert. How realis the federal deficit? New York, The Free Press, 1986. Budget deficits: rhetoric and reality. Economic Perspectives, 3 (2): 73-93, Spring 1989.

EISNER, Robert & PIEPER, Paul. A new view of the federal debt and budget deficits. American Economic Review, 74 (1): 11-29, mar. 1984.

FISCHER, Stanley & MODIGLIANI, Franco. Towards on understanding of the real effects and costs of inflation. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 114 (4): 810-833, 1978.

HORRIGAN, Brian & PROTOPAPADA^S, Atis. Federal deficits: a faulty gauge of governments Impact on financial markets. Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Business Review, p. 3-16, mar./apr. 1982.

JUMP, Gregory. Interest rates, Inflation expectations and spurious elements in measured real Income and saving. American Economic Review, 70 (5): 990-1004, dec. 1980.

KAY, John (ed.). The 1982 budget. Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1982.

MILLER, Marcus. Inflation-adjusting the public sector financial deficit. In: KAY (ed.), The 1962 budget. Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1982.

MINFORD, Patrick. The developments of monetary strategy. In: KAY (ed.), The 1962 budget. Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1982.

SIEGEL, Jeremy. Inflation Induced distortions in government and private savings statistics. Review ofEconomics and Statistics, 61 (1): 83-90, feb. 1979.

TURNOVSKY, Stephen. On the formulation of continuous time macroeconomic models with asset accumulation. International Economic Review, 18(1): 1-28, feb. 1977.





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How to Cite

Ramalho, V. (1991). Déficit ajustado da inflação: uma nota histórica. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 21(1), 5-10. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-53572111vr