Emprego, salários e redução da Jornada de trabalho


  • Reynaldo Fernandes




Working week, Normal working week, Effective working week, Shorter working week, Employment, Wage, Overtime work


The purpose of the present paper is to analyse the efficacy of a reduction of the normal working week as an instrument of employment policy. The author criticizes the macroeconomic analysis so far elaborated in an attempt to verify the effects of the reduction of the working week since those analysis do not explain plainly the theories of wage and employment that corroborate them. Moreover it is emphasized the inadequacy of taking the outcomes of microeconomic models to criticize the reduction of the working week as a way of fighting unemployment, since the results for a individual firm may be fully counteracted when the reduction of working week occurs in a generalized way. The approach used in the study is basically Keynesian, stressing the microeconomic aspects of the effective demand. Consequently It was possible to analyse the effects of a generalized reduction in the normal working week throughout the analysis of an individual firm behaviour.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, R. (1991). Emprego, salários e redução da Jornada de trabalho. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 21(1), 41-69. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-53572113rf