Estratégias de diversificação de exportações e escolha de mercados de exportação: um exemplo de abordagem de portfolio


  • Raul Gouvea Neto
  • Geraldo M. Vasconcellos



Export diversification, Portfolio, Export market


This study proposes to analyze the degree of success of export diversification strategies with respect to the choice of export markets using the portfolio (mean-variance) approach first developed by Harry Markowitz. The methodology developed in this work suggests that one measure of success of an export diversification program is the ex post efficiency of the export portfolio across export markets. The Brazilian export diversification strategy is then analyzed under this perspective. The results are in contrast with those obtained with the use of more traditional methods of evaluation of export diversification programs, such as those used by the World Development Report 1989 (esp. Tables 15 and 16) and the studies of Horta (1983) and Teitel and Thoumi (1986).


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How to Cite

Gouvea Neto, R., & Vasconcellos, G. M. (1991). Estratégias de diversificação de exportações e escolha de mercados de exportação: um exemplo de abordagem de portfolio. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 21(1), 71-87.