A distribuição de benefícios pela regulação estatal: o caso do mercado brasileiro de trigo


  • Vera Martins da Silva




Regulation, Wheat, Subsides


This article deals with the regulation of the Brazilian wheat market, trying to evaluate how the benefits were divide among consumers and wheat producers from the point of view of the nominal and effective protection rate. So, it is an analysis based on international economics and its basic results indicates that during the period 1967-85 in benefited consumers whereas during 1985-87 it benefited wheat producers in terms of the nominal protection rate. When we consider the protection of the fertilizers market, we get to the conclusion that the effective protection rate is negative, indicating that wheat producers were not so protected as one would imagine just looking at the nominal protection rate.
Furthermore, the evidence suggests that, on the contrary of the current opinion, the low and middle income classes were the great beneficiaries of the wheat price subsidy policy to consumers in the seventies.


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How to Cite

Silva, V. M. da. (1991). A distribuição de benefícios pela regulação estatal: o caso do mercado brasileiro de trigo. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 21(1), 105-136. https://doi.org/10.11606/1980-53572116vms