Contrato coletivo e aprimoramento das relações de trabalho: para onde vamos?


  • Hélio Zylberstajn



labor unions, collective bargaining, labor relations, collective contract


The article develops an argument according to which
economic stabilization and more competitive market
structures are necessary for the improvement of
collective bargaining. Next, the article examines some of the important issues to be addressed in the making of the new system of labor relations; union structure, union security, workers representation at the plant level, collective bargaining structure, bargaining assurance and impasse resolution mechanisms, job control and dismissal, bargaining and flexibilization, and collective bargaining in the public sector. Finally, the article evaluates the difficulties for moving from the old system to the new one, and it concludes by speculating on the possibility for a fragmented labor market to emerge, where both, the old and the new systems would co exist.


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How to Cite

Zylberstajn, H. (1992). Contrato coletivo e aprimoramento das relações de trabalho: para onde vamos?. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 22(Especial), 91-113.