As alforrias e o papel da etnia na escravidão urbana: Salvador, Brasil, 1808-1888


  • Mieko Nishida



historical demography, manumission, ethnicity, urban slavery, Salvador


The aim of this article is to discuss the manumission of slaves in a major Brazilian port dty during eighty years from the late colonial period (1808) to the abolition of slavery (1888). This study follows and supplements the preceding manumission studies in Bahia by Stuart B. Schwartz (for 1684-1745) and Kdtia M. de Queirds Mattoso (for 1779-1850), and furthermore contributes to manumission studies in general by calling special attention to ethnicity in the New World slave community.


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How to Cite

Nishida, M. (1993). As alforrias e o papel da etnia na escravidão urbana: Salvador, Brasil, 1808-1888. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 23(2), 227-265.