Políticas macroeconômicas e setor informal


  • Siegfried Bender




fiscal policy, monetary policy, informal sector, employment, product, formal sector, non-competitive sector, compectitive sector


In order to understand the effects of the informal sector on an economy, a short-run, three sectors macroeconomic model is elaborated. Although restrictive fiscal and monetary policies, together with policies to increase nominal wages, reduce the level of employment and product of the formal sector, these policies increase both the employment and product level in the informal one. The final effect on average real wage for the economy is a decline.


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How to Cite

Bender, S. (1994). Políticas macroeconômicas e setor informal. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 24(2), 225-251. https://doi.org/10.11606/1980-53572423sb