Hierarquizar e regulamentar: a organização do mercado de trabalho no Rio Grande do Sul na segunda metade do século XIX


  • Beatriz Teixeira Weber




work, history, transition


Through of the municipal legislation, the polices records and the mail of the City Hall of Porto Alegre, we have analysed the gradual organization of the work market in the second part in the nineteen century in the city of the Porto Alegre. We seek to verify how a set of restrictive conditions have been employed for the organize the workers by market disposition, acccording a work ethics and characteristics which are translated on the population in terms of active, dilligent, submissive, temperate, moralized and obedient to the laws behaviors.


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How to Cite

Weber, B. T. (1994). Hierarquizar e regulamentar: a organização do mercado de trabalho no Rio Grande do Sul na segunda metade do século XIX. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 24(2), 321-346. https://doi.org/10.11606/1980-53572425btw