Wicksell e a teoria austríaca dos ciclos


  • Jorge Eduardo de Castro Soromenho




Wicksell, Hayek, theory of business cycles, cumulative process theory, history of economic thought


Hayek considers that Wicksell provided the theoretical foundations for the explanation of business cycles as a non intentional result of his monetary theory. How could this have occurred? And what are the theoretical possibilities that Wicksell opened but not developed, and on which Hayek built up his later work? The purpose of this article is to answer these questions through a reconstruction ofWicksell's monetary theory.


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How to Cite

Soromenho, J. E. de C. (1995). Wicksell e a teoria austríaca dos ciclos. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 25(1), 77-113. https://doi.org/10.11606/1980-53572514jecs