Religião, ética do comércio e valores pessoais: o caso de um comerciante italiano no Brasil colonial


  • Mark Hillary Hansen



religion, ethics, personal values


The purpose ofthis paper is as much scientific as humanistic: the aim is to shed light on past society through the experiences of an Italian merchant in Colonial Brazil. Two main questions will provide the focus of this analysis ofthe documentary evidence: on the one hand, what are his values and beliefs and, conversely, what are the social principles to which he must at least openly adhere, regardless of his personal inclinations, if he is to be a functioning member of his community and class.


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How to Cite

Hansen, M. H. (1995). Religião, ética do comércio e valores pessoais: o caso de um comerciante italiano no Brasil colonial. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 25(2), 271-292.