Plano real, serviços públicos e regulação


  • José Luiz Lima
  • José Francisco de Lima Gonçalves



infra-structure, natural monopoly, regulation, regulator


The adoption of a exchange-rate based stabilizing plan, with "dirty-fixed" nominal rates for a time and then a somewhat delayed rate in real terms, justifies brazilian government, and some of its partners', emphasis in the so-called reforms aiming at reducing Brasil-cost. Some of these reforms refer to infra structure financing, operation and expansion. The article aims at demonstrate that, on micro theory level, last decades's innovations do not constitute a simple refusal of natural monopoly related referential and its regulation. On the contrary, financing themes that are present in recent theory suggest the necessity of a large deepening of regulation mechanisms, with or without privatization of State-owned infrastructure assets.Identifying infra-structure financing, expansion and regulation main features in Brazil, the authors suggest the necessity of a regulator power strenghtening and restructuring strategy.


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How to Cite

Lima, J. L., & Gonçalves, J. F. de L. (1995). Plano real, serviços públicos e regulação. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 25(Especial), 129-149.