A teoria da regulação e o enfoque setorial: o papel de destaque da agricultura


  • Ademar Ribeiro Romeiro
  • José Maria J. da Silveira




theory of regulation, agricultura sector, technical progress, working process


This paper presents a critical view of the so called French Theory of Regulation (FTR), followed by an analysis of its application to the agricultural sector. There is no intention to cover all aspects involved in such a broad range theory, but only to point its basic elements. It tries to show why this theory is so enduring as an alternative theoretical view in the academic debate. It presents also a short analysis of the main ways the FTR deals with the economic sectors, before specifically considering the case of the agricultural sector. The criticisms aim mainly at the theoretical proposition formulated by Lacroix e
Mollard (1994), based on the concept of rapport salarial that has led, among others, to flawed analogies with the industrial sector concerning the evolution of the working process. The agricultural sector can not be compared to the industrial one in this respect because of its natural peculiarities, which prevents the agricultural working process to be decomposed as in the industrial sector.


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How to Cite

Romeiro, A. R., & Silveira, J. M. J. da. (1997). A teoria da regulação e o enfoque setorial: o papel de destaque da agricultura. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 27(3), 461-479. https://doi.org/10.11606/1980-53572735arjs