O déficit público ajustado da inflação e a alegação de consistência


  • Valdir Ramalho Universidade Santa Úrsula




public deficit, government debt, interest expense, inflation


Only the inflation-adjusted budget is a consistent measure of public deficits. On the basis
of this assertion, some economists suggest that we discard the other measures of public
deficits. Contrary to this view, this paper shows that their criterion of consistency is
peculiarly narrow and tailored to that particular measure. A more usual and more
reasonable notion of consistency would lead us to think that other measures of public
deficit are consistent too. Hence, the allegation of consistency is irrelevant to the issue of
superiority of any measure of deficits.


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How to Cite

Ramalho, V. (1998). O déficit público ajustado da inflação e a alegação de consistência. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 28(4), 649-664. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-53572844vr