Development pole theory and the Brazilian Amazon


  • Maurício Aguiar Serra Universidade Federal do Paraná



development poles, regional development policies, Perroux, Amazonia


The Brazilian Amazon, especially the Eastern region, has undergone a deep transformation
due to the implementation ofregional development policies by post-1964 military-backed
governments. In fact, these development policies, which were influenced by development
pole theory, have had negative social and environmental consequences. This article shows
how development pole theory, elaborated by the French economist, Frangois Perroux,
shaped policy formulation and application. The central argument is that development pole
theory showed to be a convenient theoretical justification for the specific geopolitical
(national integration and occupation ofAmazonia) and economic objectives of the military


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How to Cite

Serra, M. A. (2003). Development pole theory and the Brazilian Amazon. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 33(1), 71-113.