Academic inbreeding: insights about research in Brazil




Academic inbreeding, Postgraduate, Mobility, Logit hurdle


This article analyzes the academic inbreeding in Brazilian public universities, defined as a recruitment practice in which universities hire their own doctoral students upon completion of their studies. In this sense, we used data from professors working in research groups and the number of publications in international and national journals, as well as the number of doctoral students oriented as proxies for scientific research and the activities of teaching and research. By applying a negative binomial hurdle model, no-inbreds publish at least one international article, more national articles, and have less doctoral students under their supervision. However, it is not possible to state categorically that no-inbreds are more productive, since different scientific areas have different disciplinary cultures, and the academic market jobs is going through a transitional phase.



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How to Cite

Pelegrini, T., & França, M. T. A. (2020). Academic inbreeding: insights about research in Brazil. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 50(4), 573-610.