The first Job's over-education trap: evidence for Brazil




Over-education, Brazilian workers, First job


This study focuses on analyzing the conditions under which Brazilian workers have been identified as overeducated in their first job, as well as the probability of remaining with this status (Overeducated) in the years 2006 and 2015. It also seeks to investigate the differentials in effects between workers who are initially overeducated but who were first engaged in firms with differentiated productive capacity. Overeducated workers are those who perform jobs that require less than their level of education. Information from the Annual Social Information Report (RAIS) and the 2002 Brazilian Classification of Occupations (CBO) fed a recursive bivariate probit model that allowed the empirical conduct of the study. The results show that overeducated status in the first job in 2006 increases by 43.6% the probability that the worker repeats the same mismatch in the job in 2015. Moreover, overeducated workers accelerate their transitions to matching jobs by engaging their first job in large firms.


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Author Biographies

  • Mateus Mota dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Ceará

    Doutorando em Economia

  • Francisca Zilania Mariano, Universidade Federal do Ceará


  • Ronaldo de Albuquerque e Arraes, Universidade Federal do Ceará


  • Celina Santos de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Ceará



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How to Cite

Santos, M. M. dos ., Mariano, F. Z. ., Arraes, R. de A. e ., & Oliveira, C. S. de . (2021). The first Job’s over-education trap: evidence for Brazil. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 51(3), 415-452.