Economic growth and structural change in Brazil: a tale of gain and losses




Economic growth, Structural change, Demography, Shapley decomposition, Brazil


This article aims to identify, through Shapley’s decomposition, the contribution of labor productivity, employment rate and demography to changes in the Brazilian economy´s per capita income from 1950 to 2010. The empirical strategy used allows evaluating the effects of structural changes and the employment rate on income growth per capita in both aggregate and sectoral terms. The aggregate results indicated that productivity increase was relevant to the income per capita’s growth until 1980, but contributed negatively in the post-1980 period, at which time the demographic component showed prominent. Sectoral results indicated important contributions from manufacturing and modern services until 1980, but negative thereafter, while traditional services contributed positively over the whole period.


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Author Biography

  • Pt Pt, Departamento de Economia e Estatística da Secretaria de Planejamento, Governança e Gestão do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul(DEE/SPGG-RS)

    Analista Pesquisador em Economia


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How to Cite

Pt, P. (2021). Economic growth and structural change in Brazil: a tale of gain and losses. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 51(4), 783-820.