Political economy as medicine.The physiocratic anatomical demonstration in rural philosophy





Physiocracy, Economic tableau, Anatomy, Medicine, Political body


Rural Philosophy (1763) is the most important work of Physiocracy. Signed by Mirabeau, but written together with Quesnay, it is described by the authors in chapter 7 as an “anatomical demonstration” of the political body represented in the Economic Tableau. This article takes this proposal seriously and seeks to expose, in a schematic way, the guidelines of the physiocratic project as a social medicine, namely, its anatomy, physiology and etiology and the way in which they base their clinical practice, that is, a diagnosis, prognosis and therapy.


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Author Biography

  • Leonardo André Paes Müller, Associação Brasileira de Comunicação Empresarial



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How to Cite

Paes Müller, L. A. (2024). Political economy as medicine.The physiocratic anatomical demonstration in rural philosophy. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 54(1), 1-36. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-53575413lapm