A evolução da densidade sindical no Brasil - 1992/99


  • pt pt Pt
  • pt pt Pt




Union density, Industry, Multivariate statistical analysis


The paper investigates the evolution of union density in Brazil over the period 1992/99. The evidence was evaluated at the aggregate levei and also in terms ofindicators specified by sex and industry sector. The evidence indicated a declining trend in union density over time. Multivariate Statistical Analysis and nonparametric tests respectively indicated that a substantial co-movement exist across sectors and that the declining behavior of union density in the aggregate largely reflect the behavior ofma/e workers.


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How to Cite

pt, pt, & pt, pt. (2001). A evolução da densidade sindical no Brasil - 1992/99. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 31(4), 681-693. https://doi.org/10.11606/1980-53573143mlmr